Unlimited IT Support

Companies tend to be reactive when it comes to IT.

Something breaks or stops working like it should and you get someone to come and fix it – which solves the immediate problem. Unfortunately, this often doesn’t resolve the underlying issues that may have caused your IT problem in the first place.

Also, as you can’t predict the future, you don’t know when one of your business critical IT systems will stop working. And, if it does, how much it will cost to repair it. Leaving you with an unexpected (and potentially high) IT bill.

What if you didn’t have to worry about any of this?
Your IT systems stayed up, were regularly looked after, and you had certainty over your IT costs?

Looking After Your Business’s IT

From lone stars to busy offices and top-level professionals, our 12-month Unlimited IT Support plans are designed to help you get the most out of your IT systems and allow you to focus on your business.


per user


  • One device*
  • Unlimited remote IT Support (during regular business hours)
  • SLA (Service level agreement)
  • Remote control system
  • Regular maintenance

*120 for each additional device per month.

Does not include any visits, licences or materials.

$100 call-out fee if applicable.


per user


  • Everything from Self Starter
  • 99.5% guaranteed uptime
  • 1 visit per month
  • Collaboration tools

Real-time monitoring system $15 per device.


per user


  • Everything from Rising Stars
  • 99.9% guaranteed uptime
  • 3 visits per month
  • Local and cloud backups
  • Real-time monitoring


per user


  • Everything from Busy Office
  • 24/7 IT Support
  • 99.9% guaranteed uptime
  • Business process automation design*
  • System integration design*

*Existing solutions only.